Monday, June 17, 2013

Cast Commentary #12

Kimbar: Okay, let's get this show on the road. Today is an important day - this is our final cast commentary of season 1, and we're discussing the very last episode. And, as a bonus, we've got our wonderful editor to join us! Welcome, Jennifer. There are a number of very important scenes in this episode - Kennedy, Celeste, Madison, the search for Arianna, and of course - Arianna's scene at the very end. With so much going on, this episode is a wild and fantastic ride. Let's start at the beginning and work our way to the end. Madison ends her relationship with Emery. How did you guys react to that scene?
Jennifer: From an editor's perspective, I liked the scene because it seemed *real.* And the idea of one person being happy and totally unaware of their partner's unhappiness? Always painful and powerful.
Noel: The Madison/Emery scene was a long time coming and it needed to happen.
Noel: It was hard to read it at last... but I was also relieved! I felt Emery was holding herself back staying in the Cove.
Noel: And Madison... she's so different from Emery. I think the two of them have very different life goals.
Skye: Neale and I talked a lot about this scene, to be honest. It took a while to get into Emery's head and see how she would react to Madison's reveal. It was interesting for me to realize Emery was less hurt about the cheating and more hurt that Madison had lived unhappily with her for so long. It was nice to handle a breakup that didn't involve screaming and weeping and so on. Emery was just so sad Madison had been that unhappy and hadn't told her... and that she had almost given up her dream job for this relationship.
Skye: I also wanted to be sure Neale noted that Emery would leave all her financial assets in the Cove to the boys. Because leaving Landon and Carter was the hardest part of the breakup for her.
Kimbar: I loved that part. It really brought me close to Emery in that moment, even though it was from Madison's point of view.
Skye: But you're right, Noel. She was definitely holding herself back in the Cove.
Noel: Emery took immediate financial responsibility. Even though the boys weren't biologically hers. And Madison is certainly their Mom (capital M) but Emery has these incredible personal ethics.
Noel: I loved the line: I can't process this with you.
Noel: Like: You have to turn to someone else as a best friend because I can't be that to you. Not this time.
Skye: Emery was with Madison so long she felt like a mom (little m) to the boys. She would never butt into Madison's rules or life, but she felt it was her responsibility, for sure. Especially since her leaving would leave Madison, and therefore the boys, with financial strain.
Kimbar: I definitely agree with that. Now, speaking of messy breakups - we get to see the final results of the Kitty/Kennedy breakup in this episode when Rei confronts Kennedy for the final time, and afterward Kennedy's final self-descruction.
Rowan: I thought the Kitty/Kennedy breakup was handled beautifully. It is one of my favorite scenes from Season One.
Noel: I agree.
Skye: Talk about a breakup that was truly a long time in coming... I was so happy this was the route the story took. I felt like it was the only healthy option, especially for Kitty. But hard.
Noel: You know...
Noel: The truth is...
Noel: People break up.
Noel: Lesbians break up.
Noel: A lot.
Neale joined the chat 
Neale: Better late than never?
Noel: Hey, Neale.
Rowan: Hey, Neale
Kimbar: Welcome, Neale, it's good to have you join us! We are now complete =)
Noel: To not have relationships ending would have made the series less than realistic.
Rowan: I agree, Noel.
Noel: I think we did it right.
Kimbar: I think that's very true, and I like that each breakup - like each relationship - is handled so realistically and so individually. No relationship is alike; no breakup is alike.
Noel: Emery and Madison break up. Emery moves away. That's one type of break up.
Noel: Kitty and Kennedy break up. But (as we'll see in Season 2), their lives continue to be tangled in some ways.
Noel: I like that we continue to give the readers a little of everything. Hopefully everyone can find something that mirrors their own life.
Noel: With extra spice and drama thrown in, of course
Skye: Definitely. I feel our diversity in all aspects of life is one of the best parts of the series.
Rowan: I like the Kitty/Kennedy situation because I think it does mirror life. As I get older, I am less likely to want to cut ties completely. There's a lot invested in a relationship and I think that Kitty and Kennedy have a lot invested in theirs. It will be interesting to see where it goes and how they manage it in Season Two.
Kimbar: I fully agree, Rowan.
Kimbar: Speaking of breakups - there's a breakup that isn't able to happen in this episode because - oh my gosh! - one of the members has gone walking in the woods with a dead cell phone and a lost compass! This was a *huge* part of the plot because, as we all know, this is the climax of the main plotline that runs through the story and ties everything together. Can we talk about Aidan, Mikayla, and the search for Arianna?
Noel: Ah, yes. Good point, Kimbar.
Noel: There's a third breakup type -- The "I've fallen for someone else -- someone I have an emotional connection to -- while I was hooking up with you" break up. LOL!
Noel: Interestingly, that relationship was incredibly vital to Arianna as a woman... yet it dies with a sigh, doesn't it? Not a bang at all.
Skye: It also entails the "I don't know if we were even exclusive but I feel like you should know I..." kind of breakup.
Noel: They both continue to live in the Cove (not too much of a spoiler there, I don't think) but they really don't stay close or even really friends.
Skye: Proof that different relationships mean different things even to the women in them.
Kimbar: Of course, then Aidan finds that diary and realizes that...label or no, the relationship was incredibly important to Aidan.
Rowan: I guess I didn't see Arianna as a relationship type of woman.
Rowan: In this case, the plot overshadows the breakup. But I didn't feel surprised by this breakup.
Noel: Me neither, Rowan. I never did.
Noel: Though... as Arianna's writer... I'd love to see her end up with... *drum roll* ...Pip.
Rowan: Aidan was convenient. They had a good time. But it wasn't something permanent.
Noel: Yeah. Exactly.
Skye: I always thought she could have been in a relationship, but it would take a certain kind of woman.
Neale: I think in some ways, that's why they don't stay in touch - not that the relationship, per se, is important, but a huge milestone for Arianna.
Noel: And what do we do with milestones? We reach them, and then pass on by.
Rowan: I guess I see Arianna as self-involved. But not in a bad way. Her life has really changed and if I were her, I would want to focus on what I'd discovered.
Rowan: I pick up my milestones and carry them with me.
Rowan: Which is why my friends hate it when I move.
Noel: LOL!
Neale: Lol!
Noel: You must have a very strong back, Rowan!
Rowan: Yes.
Rowan: Very strong.
Rowan: And a hand truck helps.
Noel: I was glad, though, that Aidan connected with Mikayla.
Skye: I was, too. I wanted Mikayla to come to the Cove pretty much immediately. I think she and Aidan are wonderful together.
Kimbar: How about the search scene - that was pretty big. We get Celeste, Gabe, Aidan, and Rei together to go looking for Arianna. I love Gabe's involvement in that, by the way. He's definitely become one of my favorite characters!
Rowan: Wasn't Gabe voted most popular?
Noel: I adore Gabe. I adore the spider bracelet coming back into play.
Noel: Yes, he was *proud smile*
Kimbar: Who was the genius behind the spider bracelet?
Jennifer: I was very pleased that we had a realistic autistic character in the series.
Skye: I *loved writing the search scenes!* I had dreams of the sculpture garden for weeks. I feel like it's the only time I've gotten to write a scene that touches on the almost supernatural elements in the Cove. And Gabe was a huge part of that.
Rowan: I agree, Jennifer.
Noel: The spider bracelet (all the bracelets, actually) were always part of Gabe's character. The symbolism was the weaving of life's tapestry.
Jennifer: Who better to weave the threads than Gabe?
Noel: Right. He would weave for all the right reasons.
Skye: A pure soul for sure.
Skye: It was perfect. Thank you all.
Kimbar: There are a couple of more points I'd love to touch on. We get to see a very powerful scene here with Tatiana. Can we talk about that for a little bit? I feel like we haven't devoted enough time to her, but she's such a fascinating and well written character with a deep background.
Noel: Yes, Tatiana receives the letter. My heart stopped.
Kimbar: Mine too, Noel!
Noel: Talk about a life being turned inside out.
Noel: I remember thinking: Oh sh*t.
Noel: Can those two worlds come together?!
Rowan: I guess we'll see
Kimbar: I felt, in this scene, that Tatiana was almost psychic - I realize that the adoption records had recently been opened, but the fact that Tatiana had just seen a woman who made her think of her daughter days before, and it had been on her mind leading up to the event of the letter, and then the letter comes - it definitely had that supernatural feel to it, which happens a lot in Mariel Cove.
Noel: The magic of the Cove creeping in!
Noel: What a wonderful event for Episode *12*! Like, as a reader, I was: Bring on Season 2!!
Noel: ; D
Neale: Definitely. It was a great cliff hanger.
Rowan: I will say that many years ago, I met a woman who had kept a child of rape.
Noel: Really?
Rowan: We talked for a long time about the pros and cons of that choice. But ultimately what she said to me was, It's not the child's fault.
Rowan: She loved that child because he was hers.
Noel: Wow. I love that.
Noel: How did that influence your writing of Tatiana -- in Season 1 and 2?
Rowan: I think the love a parent feels for a child is unbreakable.
Rowan: No matter what happens.
Rowan: You love them. It becomes part of your DNA, whether or not you're the birth mother or not, whether the circumstances were positive or not. You just do.
Rowan: And I think it changes you in a positive way. And a permanent one.
Neale: Absolutely, Rowan. Being a parent is so much more than DNA.
Rowan: I couldn't agree with you more, Neale.
Kimbar: I absolutely agree with that.
Rowan: I was really proud of this woman for making that choice and it really stuck with me.
Rowan: It was wonderful to be able to honor her in some small way with this character.
Rowan: Noel, to answer your earlier question, I think that Tatiana wants her daughter to be part of her life. And she'll find a way to make it work. The fact that Ghiera is so supportive helps a lot.
Noel: Because school teachers rock! : )
Rowan: Having been a teacher, I would have to agree with you
Kimbar: Finally, I would like to talk about the very ending of this season. Arianna finally comes face to face with her past. This, for me, was my favorite scene in the entire series.
Noel: Hey! Thanks : D
Rowan: It was the moment we'd been building toward.
Noel: I wanted so badly for readers to *understand* and empathize with Arianna by the time that scene came along.
Noel: Because... uh... she's kinda crazy in that last scene LOL!
Rowan: You definitely succeeded. I loved the resolution.
Noel: Thanks, Rowan : )
Noel: When I read Jennifer's notes about where Arianna would end up at the end of Season 1, my first reaction was: WTF?! How the hell am I going to pull that off?!
Noel: I never written *tension* like that before. The type of tension that would allow someone to do what Arianna did -- pull a gun on a stranger!
Skye: Arianna became one of my favorite characters to read by the end of the season. I really loved seeing her in the wild. I felt like it showed a different side of her. The side that would be out in the field. She seemed natural there.
Kimbar: We almost have a cliffhanger ending here, though! Jennifer, how did you make the decision to end it the way you did?
Jennifer: That decision was purely from a publisher's perspective.
Jennifer: Little rules that have proved themselves over the years:
Jennifer: Sex sells. Put sex in Part 1 and people will buy Part 2.
Jennifer: If you're going to have a break... end with a cliff hanger.
Jennifer: Also, the cliff-hanger was to set up the use of the epilogues to tell Mariel's back story.
Jennifer: Starting in Episode 12 of Season 1 and continuing through Episode 11 of Season 2.
Noel: I thank you for that, Jennifer, because Mariel has become my favorite character to write.
Jennifer: Glad to hear it, Noel : )

Skye: I'm still waiting for the Mariel Novel, just saying. I'd read that in a second.
Noel: She's the most incredible character I've ever had the pleasure of writing -- my creation or no.

Rowan: Having had a chance to 'write" Mariel in one episode, I agree. She's wonderful.
Rowan: In Season Two, that is (hint hint)
Noel: (Isn't she, Rowan?! Mariel Ridgeway Fan Fiction Club!!)
Noel: LOL!
Rowan: Sign me up! 
Skye: Your love of her shows in your writing, Noel. I'm rarely as emotionally shaken/moved as I've been from some of the epilogues in Season 2.
Kimbar: So, Jennifer, will every season of Mariel Cove leave its mystery on a cliffhanger that will be resolved in the next season? Or is that just for season one?
Jennifer: Season 2 also ends with a killer (pun intended) cliff-hanger.
Jennifer: Not sure if we'll always do that... but it was fun ; )
Kimbar: Jennifer, you were the big genius behind the design of this series - how did you feel coming to the end and seeing what the authors had put together under your guidance?
Jennifer: The series wouldn't have had the backbone that it did without each of you.
Jennifer: There were fine details that you each brought that just brought the series an unexpected depth.
Jennifer: Emery being a blogger.
Jennifer: Roisin's Huntingtons.
Jennifer: Kennedy's sexual appetite.
Jennifer: Kitty's inner conflict.
Jennifer: Tal's complexity.
Jennifer: For all the times you have all mentioned: Well, that was designed by Jennifer or That was pre-decided...
Jennifer: It was your own voices that made the characters real.
Jennifer: Mariel Cove was a cool idea... but guess what?
Jennifer: Ideas are a dime a dozen.
Jennifer: It's the execution of an idea that takes work and talent and drive and focus and inspiration.
Jennifer: You all brought all of that to Season 1.
Jennifer: It was an honor, really, to work with you all.
Jennifer: I feel like I grew as an editor and as a mother LOL!
Neale: Lol!
Kimbar: I think that's truly my favorite part of Mariel Cove - the team effort we all put in, the way we all worked together, and the community we've all become as a result of it. I can't think of a single person I'd rather work with than all of you ladies. =)
Rowan: I have to agree. This has been a great learning experience and a lot of fun.
Neale: Thank you for allowing us to execute your vision and ideas, Jennifer.
Jennifer: It was an adventure, ladies
Noel: A wild and crazy adventure!
Rowan: I agree.
 Kimbar: Well, I know I certainly can't wait for the completed edition of Season Two! AND Season Three! Ladies, we're well out of time, but it has been an absolute pleasure to get to talk with all of you this one last time about the first season. It truly has been =)
Noel: Thank you for having us over, Kimbar!
Neale: Me too!
Rowan: Yes. Hate to leave you with the dishes, though.
Noel: LOL, Rowan!
Kimbar: I can just magic all the dishes clean. After sculpting magical light-bending sculptures, dishes shouldn't be a problem.
Rowan: Cool, Kimbar. Send me that spell, will you? I've got some dishes in my sink.
Skye: Great chat
Jennifer: Thanks for letting me join you all Have a good night, ladies.
Skye: Good night!
Kimbar: Good night everybody!
Neale: Good night, everyone.
Rowan: Night all!
Noel: To sleep, to dream!
Noel: Bye all!

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